Monday 22 November 2010

Action Plan and Deadlines

Main Task Deadline: Friday 28th January
Ancillary Task Deadline: 18th February

The main music video must be handed in by the 28th of January which gives me the Christmas holidays for more filming and editing at home. I have listed some more specific dates below. Now that I have completed the research and planning stage of my portfolio, I can start filming and editing footage.

Various filming and editing

Monday 22nd November - Friday 22nd January. Between these two dates I will be filming various parts of my music video, including time lapses and other tasks which I can complete on my own. I will also start the editing process as soon as I start filming and have some footage to play with.

Main day of filming

Monday 20th December. The main day of filming will be taking place on the 20th December. This gives me the whole day for filming purposes and allows me to organise the characters in my music video. During term time, there isn't enough time for a filming day as many of the characters have other commitments. There are also low lighting issues, whereas using a day during the holidays; I can film in lighter conditions during the daytime.


Editing will be taking place throughout, as i will be editing footage as soon as possible after filming. This allows me to save the project and return to it later when more filming has been done. I will be using Adobe Premier Pro and After Effects to edit my footage.

Ancillary Tasks

For the portfolio we are required to create two separate ancillary tasks after the completion of the practical work. I will be producing a digipak cover for my music video, where i need to design the cover using a template. I will be designing graphics using Adobe Photoshop from pictures taken on set. The second ancillary task is a choice between producing a double page spread from a magazine, or a website page promoting the music video. I have chosen to create a website as I am more experienced in this field.


Overall I am happy with the progress of my work and I will be trying to keep to deadlines and dates set in my action plan as well as possible.

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