Wednesday 10 November 2010

Actors & Costume Research

I am currently planning on the costumes and characters which i which will be featuring in my music video. The costumes are very simplistic and casual.

The postman - I will be aranging for a Royal Mail postman to appear in my music video. The first appearance willl be when the postman collects the letters from the postbox, and another postman will also appear when delivering the letter towards the end of the video.

Costume - Since I will be aranging for a Royal Mail postman to be in my music video, the costume will be the conventional and traditional Royal Mail uniform. This normally features a jacket with the Royal Mail logo, carrying a bag or on a bicycle.

Male Character - The male character in my music video is the first character which the viewer sees. This character could be considered as the main character as the first shot will be of this character sitting at a table. The character will be a 17 year old male. I am arranging for one of my friends to fill this part, so hopefully he will be available.  

Costume - The character will be wearing very casual normal clothes and puts on a coat when walking out onto the street outside the house. He will also be wearing jeans. Overall a very casual costume to reflect an average older teenage male today.

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