For this year, I produced two ancillary products which supported my music video. These two products were a Digipak Album Cover, with four separate images and a magazine advertisement.
When I was creating my Ancillary Tasks, I tried to keep the same themes between the Ancillary Tasks and the music video, therefore creating an overall corporate product. Firstly I created a Digipak, which is a type of Album case, with four separate panels each containing a different image. The main front cover, which is shown below in the bottom right panel, was a photo taken using my DSLR camera. I set the camera up on a tripod and used a low depth of field, meaning that the figure and the letter are in focus, whereas the background and everything else is out of focus. I also used Adobe Photoshop to add text onto the letter itself. I think that this combines very well with my product, as it features the main character carrying the letter and a background including the countryside which features frequently in my music video and a bright blue sky, which is also featured in my music video. The image in the bottom left of the Digipak, is the reverse cover - which includes the track listing. Again for this panel, I tried to combine it with images associated with the music video itself. Therefore I took a photo during filming at the table which the main character writes the letter at the very beginning of the video. I also included a piece of paper and the pencil which was used, again to try and effectively combine my Ancillary Tasks and my final product. Once again I used Photoshop to add text onto the paper and rotating it, giving the effect that it is on the paper. I have used this font throughout my ancillary tasks because I think it's fun and laid back, combining with the feel of my music video. The top right image, is the inside cover of my Digipak and features the same image as the front cover but cropped differently. I experimented with a number of different images, but because I wanted to include text on this panel, I used an out of focus background in order for the text to be readable. Once again I think this effectively combines with my music video as it features the countryside which is seen in my music video. The top left panel, is the panel in which the CD goes. This is a photograph of the road in which the main character walks along at the start of the video. Therefore I think it combines with my music video and fits in with the main theme of my project.
The second ancillary task which I undertook was the creation of a magazine advertisement. The main image which is shown below is the same image used for the front cover of the Digipak. This was a photo taken using my DSLR camera. I set the camera up on a tripod and used a low depth of field, meaning that the figure and the letter are in focus, whereas the background and everything else is out of focus. I think this makes the figure stand out from the background. I also added some text and a black border around the edge of the image. I think that this is an effective combination with my music video, because it includes all the main features of the music video itself, with the countryside and blue sky and the main character carrying the letter
Overall, I think that the combination of my product and ancillary tasks is very effective. When I was creating my ancillary tasks I tried to reflect the main feel and theme of the music video in them.
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