Wednesday 6 October 2010

Audience Research

I produced 20 questionares and handed them to 20 people, including a variety of differant age groups and tastes. I am hoping that the results from my audience reseach will keep me focused on my production.

These are the questions which i asked.

How old are you?

How often do you watch music videos?

Where do you usually watch music videos?

Do you think that a music video should show a developing storyline narrative?

Can you name any specific music videos which you rate highly and why?

These are the results from my audience research. I have produced a number of graphs to show the results from my audience research effectively.

The first chart I produced is a very simple one, showing the range of ages who partook in the survey. As you can see I asked at least one person from each age group, emphasising on the 16-24 age bracket, as this is the main age group which i am aiming at. I asked 10 people from 16-24, 5 people from 25-33, 3 people from 34-42, one person from 43-51 and one person who was aged 52 or over.

The second chart i produced shows the results from the "Where do you usually watch music videos?" question. As you can see the most popular source for watching music videos is online on websites such as YouTube and MTV. This shows the development of the internet in the media industry as it is now the most popular place to watch music videos amoungst my questionare answerers. Television music channels are still very popular, but with many music videos now available online on demand, the internet seems a better option. As I will be distributing my music video using the internet, it allows me to reach a wide range of audiences for free.

I also asked how often you watch music videos. A pie chart showing the results is below. The majority of the answers said that they watched music videos occasionally, with 30% of people watching them very frequently. Only 5% of people said that they never watch music videos, and these answers were from the older age groups.

The final question in my audience research questionare was could you name any specific names of music videos which you rate highly. I recieved a wide variety of differant answers, from many different music genres. Here is a list of some of the music videos which were given.

Coldplay - The Scientist
Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody
Feeder - Just a Day
My Doorbell - The White Stripes.
Lady Gaga - Telephone

Conducting audience research has been very helpful during the research and planning stage of the production of my music video. I have learnt that the age group which I am aiming my video at (16-24) mostly watch music videos online frequently. My audience research has also focused me on exactly what audiences want from music videos, and looking at music videos which people rated highly has helped me understand what makes a good music video.

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