Monday 4 October 2010

Lyric Analysis

These are the lyrics for Breakdown by Jack Johnson.

"I hope this old train breaks down
Then I could take a walk around
And, see what there is to see
And time is just a melody
All the people in the street
Walk as fast as their feet can take them
I just roll through town
And though my windows got a view
The frame I'm looking through
Seems to have no concern for now
So for now"
I think that the first verse of the song is very meaningful. The main story of the lyrics is about how inbetween tours, Jack didn't ever have time to explore his surroundings as he was always on the move between differant venues. The next segment is the chorus which is repeated three times throughout the song.
"I need this
Old train to breakdown
Oh please just
Let me please breakdown"

Therefore he wanted the train to breakdown so he could explore. However i think that these lyrics can apply to everything, not just train journeys. How we should be aware of our surroundings and explore how things work and differant parts of the world. The next paragraph is the final verse before the chorus is repeated for the ending of the time.

"But you cant stop nothing
If you got no control
Of the thoughts in your mind
That you kept in, you know
You don't know nothing
But you don't need to know
The wisdoms in the trees
Not the glass windows
You cant stop wishing
If you don't let go
But things that you find
And you lose, and you know
You keep on rolling
Put the moment on hold
The frames too bright
So put the blinds down low"
This verse is also explaining about the missed oppourtunities and how we should take time out and explore our surroundings and how things work.
I think that this song is very suitable for my music video idea, as many people are unaware and of the long journey of a letter across the country. I think that it will show the long journey of a letter and how much work goes into it.     

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