Wednesday 20 October 2010

Filming Location Research

This is the postbox which will be used in my music video. This will be used in shot four, after the character walks towards the postbox and posts the letter. There will be a close-up of the postbox during this shot. I like the simplicity of this location and i think it's very suitable for the shot I am looking for. I also like how it stands out from the background and there is lots of room for filming. This location will also be used during shot five when the letters are collected from the postbox. For this shot i am planning on a side on shot showing the postbox opening. The picture above was taken from a low angle. The image below, shows the same location, but taken from a normal angle. I prefer the lower angle shot, because it looks more effective and realistic. The overall mise-en-scene of this scene matches the mise-en-scene i have chosen for my music video.  

The photo below is the road i am going to use in shot five, of the postvan driving away from the camera into the distance. I like the colours in this frame and how the road leads your eye away into the distance. Once again I think that it matches the overall mise-en-scene of my music video in general. The shot will once again be from a lower than normal angle showing the van driving into the distance.
I also made up a mock-up of one of the first shots in my music video below. Once again this shot is very simple, with paper and a pencil on a wooden table. I have matched the mise-en-scene of my music video to this shot. This will be one of the first shots in my music video, which is very important as it sets the scene for the rest of the music video.

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