Friday 8 October 2010

Treatment & Shotlist


The main character, is at home sitting at a table writing a letter, for whom is unknown. We see a close-up of the writing of the letter, with the sound of the pen writing on paper the loudest sound. The music starts and the character walks out of the front door, and away from the camera along a long narrow road. We see a close-up of the letter being carried by the main character. He posts the letter in a small postbox and walks away. A few moments later a postman arrives in a red van, and collects the letters and drives into the distance. A 2X speed shot from inside the van is shown, indicating a long journey. The van drives past the camera through the countryside along a small country road. We then return to the shot from inside the car on a dual carridgeway merged with a map of the UK showing the letter moving across the map. A timelapse at sunset shows the daylight fading and turning dark. A series of night shots are included showing traffic on a dual carridgeway from a bridge. Another night shot is shown, from inside the car. The night light slowly fades into daylight by using a slow fade. The video fades to black and quickly shows a shot of feet walking along a gravel path. We then see that this person is a postman and he walks towards a large house. He posts the letter and the recipitent inside walks towards the door to find the letters on the doormat. The character cycles through the letters to find the letter in question. The letter is read and the person smiles.


Shot One
Male character in house sitting at wooden table, writing a letter.

Shot Two
Close-up of letter, viewer does not see the content of it.

Shot Three
Character walks out of door and along a small long road away from camera. 

Shot Four
Character walks towards postbox. Close-up of the posting of the letter.

Shot Five
Postman collects letters and drives into the distance away from the camera.

Shot Six
Shot from inside the car, 2x Speed driving along a country road.

Shot Seven
Shot of van from outside driving through the countryside.

Shot Eight
Inside car shot merged with a map of the UK showing the letter moving.

Shot Nine
Timelapse of sun setting turning dark.

Shot Ten
Night shot of a dual carridgeway, filmed from a bridge.

Shot Eleven
Night shot from inside car, timelapse fade into morning light.

Shot Twelve
Shot of feet walking along path, sound of footsteps on gravel.

Shot Thirteen
Postman walks into drive.

Shot Fourteen
Post letters and recipitent walks to door.

Shot Fifteen
Recipitent cycles through letters to find the main letter.

Shot Sixteen
Character reads the letter and smiles.

Shot Seventeen
Fades to black.

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