Friday 17 September 2010

The Black Hole

The Black Hole by Ollie Williams and Phil Sansom is a short film about a tired office worker who discovers a black hole.

This short film has a very interesting mise-en-scene. The room is very dark indicating that it's late at night in the office and the main character shouldn't really be there. The colours have also been edited to show this, as there are no vibrant or bright colours in the scene at all. This is very differant to the first short film I analysed which was much brighter and had more vibrant colours. The main character is quite a strange character who is wearing scruffy office clothes. The positioning of the main character within the scene are fairly normal, but there are a few close up shots featured during the 2 minutes.

The film uses lots of special effects when the man finds the black hole. These could have been created using software such as Adobe After Effects. I think that they are very realistic and cleverly done. Often with amateur short films the special effects aren't always the best, but this film has used them perfectly.

The character finds himself stealing from the vending machine using the black hole and eventually becoming too greedy and gets stuck in the office safe.

Overall i this short film is excellent. Using lots of special effects and a funny moral the creators have a produced a short film which has won lots of awards, including the Virgin Media Shorts Award in 2008.

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