Sunday 19 September 2010

Digital Technology Questions

How has digital technology helped you to capture your ideas for you media production?

Digital technology has been very helpful during the capture of potential ideas for my media production. The most helpful digital technology form are computers and the internet. Websites such as YouTube allow me to browse a wide range of differant video ideas and see what other short films include. I can also embed video ideas onto my blog where all my coursework evidence is housed.

What benefits do digital technologies offer? Are there any disadvantages?

Digital technology offers many benefits in the field of media studies. We can compare lots of differant media forms, and also look back at past videos and news articles through the internet. I don't think there are any disadvantages from using technology in media studies.

How did digital technology influence your work in post-production – for example in the creation of video effects, or the manipulation of images.

Video editing software is very effective in post production work. Software such as Adobe Premier Pro and iMovie offer a wide range of differant effects and allow us to add titles, music and produce a polished production. Before the introduction of the home computer, editing video was a lengthy and difficult process, wheras now it only takes a few minutes.

How have your skills with digital technology developed, and how has this influenced your productions?

I think that my skills with digital technology has improved and develped during the production of my AS Media production work. I have learnt how to use new software such as iMovie and Adobe Illustrator and my skills also improved on software I previously used such as Adobe Photoshop. My blogging skills have also improved as a blog is required as evidence for the project. I much prefer posting on a blog than writing on paper in class.

What role might digital technology play in the distribution of work such as yours?

Websites such as YouTube and Blogger allow me to broadcast my production work to the world in seconds. This means that distribution to a wide audience is very easy and there is no cost involved in uploading videos.

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