Monday 20 September 2010

Kings Of Leon - Red Morning Light

The video above is the official music video for the Kings Of Leon song "Red Morning Light"  This song was released in 2003. I don't think that this video would have been produced on a high budget, because the song was written before the band went mainstream recently. Once again the general concept of this video is very simple and doesn't require expensive equipment to produce something like this. The video mainly focuses on the band performing on stage possibly at a local gig. Aswell as video of the band performing live on stage, there are also very quick cuts to shots outside of the building. For example near the start of the video there are a series of quick shots of famous London landmarks, such as a London bus and Big Ben. The video also cuts to what looks like a London nightclub, and a british radio station studio. Interestingly shots in black and white old film are also shown, but i am unsure of the relevance of these. The mise-en-scene of this music video is as follows. The lighting when the band is performing on stage, is very dark lit only by colourful disco type lights. The camera angles are mostly close up shots of the band performing and their instruments etc. 

Overall i think that this video is quite an unusual video, with lots of differant quick shots mixed into longer shots of the band performing on stage. It all seems very random and i'm not quite sure of the relevance of some of them. I didn't get bored whilst watching the video because it was constantly changing and there is lots of variation.

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