Monday 27 September 2010

Forms and conventions of music videos

There are many differant forms and conventions of music videos mostly depending on the genre of music. For example the conventions of a hip hop video, are completly differant to a rock or indie music video. I have listed the differant genres of music below, and listed the general conventions of the music videos from that genre, with information from my research into similar media forms. 


Basic conventions of Indie music videos,
  • Usually shows the band performing at a gig or concert.
  • Cuts between shots of the band and other shots.
  • Has a separate plotline which unfolds separatly from the band performing.
  • Close-ups of the band members performing. Also close-ups of their guitars and drums.
  • Dark lighting and colours, sometimes completly black and white with no vibrant colours.

Hip Hop/Rap

Basic conventions of hip hop/rap music videos.
  • Usually features and focuses on the main artist.
  • A party or night club atmosphere.
  • Lots of dancing.
  • Usually features women who accompany the main artist of the song.
  • Bright vibrant colours.
  • Close-up shots focusing on artist.
  • Use of brand names and expensive houses/cars.
  • Expensive jewellry and clothing

Overall, the forms and conventions of the music video depends on the genre of the song which the video is accompanying. During the construction of my A2 media coursework, i will be following the basic conventions related to the genre of my song choice.

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