Monday 13 September 2010

Research & Planning prompt questions

How did your research into genre contribute to your production work?

During the construction of my AS Media Portfolio work, i conducted lots of pre-production research into the genre of my film opening. I did research into similar genre films such as The Bourne Identity and then analysed them on my blog. I also analysed the opening of other films such as Quantam of Solace. Aswell as looking at proffessional productions, I also looked at other students work from previous years and marked them using the official mark scheme. I think that this was beneficial and contributeted to my production work, as it meant i knew what the examiners were looking for in my practicial piece. I gained ideas and inspiration by looking at other similar genre productions which contributed to my final two minute opening production work.

How did your research into audience contribute to your production work?

Before starting filming, i conducted lots of detailed audience research including asking people what they thought made a good opening to a film and why. We created a video and uploaded it to our blogs afterwards. I think that the audience research was also beneficial to my production work, because asking students about what they wanted from a film opening allowed me to create an opening which would interest and engage the viewer. During my A2 project, i am looking to do more audience research and ask a wider range of people. In AS we only had time to conduct interviews in and around the school, which meant that the research we gained could have been biased or similar from person to person. This time I am hoping to get a wider range of views by asking a number of differant people varying in age. I am also looking to target my audience research at my target audience.

How did your research into institutions responsible for the production and regulation of the media influence your production work?

I also did lots of research into institutions responsible for the production and regulation of the media industry. For example, during class we did lots of research on large organisations such as Time Warner and IPC Media. However i don't think that this research was very influential on the production of my practical work because this was more exam related than production related. Despite of this it was very interesting to learn about the differant institutions, and i enjoyed learning about the oligocharly organisations such as Time Warner and the News Corporation who own lots of smaller worldwide companies in order to reach as many people as possible and dominate in the world of media.

What pre-production planning techniques did you employ (scripting, storyboarding, shot-lists etc.)? How effective was your planning – how did it help you in the production phase?

I employed a variety of differant planning techniques during my production. My opening had no dialogue so my script was a more detailed shotlist outlining in text what i wanted from each shot before i started filming. I looked at some other proffesional scrips from films like the Bourne Identity to gain inspiration and see what my script shold have looked like. I also employed the storyboard technique where i drew out each individual shot and included information such as the lighting, mise-en-scene and the positioning of characters within the shot. This helped me during filming as i took my storyboard out on location so i knew exactly what i wanted from each shot rather than rushing into filming without any planning beforehand. Creating a shotlist was very handy during filming and overall all the pre-production planning techniques were very helpful during the production phase.

How did you use audience feedback to influence your production work while it was in progress?

During the filming progress i often refered back to the audience research video we created. By doing this it reminded me of what the audience wanted from film openings. During my A2 work, i will probably refer to the feedback more often during planning and production, because it will be in more detail and length.

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