Friday 10 September 2010

What is creativity?

Creativity is how you generate ideas in your mind, and then create them in the real world.

The 4 characteristics of creativity are

  • Imagination

  • Purpose

  • Originality

  • Of Value

Imagination with a purpose

  • I can create things in my mind - Thinking about ideas for my A2 Media coursework.

  • I try out lots of differant ways to do things and solve problems - Listing possible ideas for coursework project.


  • Makes observation about the value of your work - I often use this during essay writing.

  • I stop and think about how i am doing in my work - I review my progress during the editing process to see how my work looks.


  • Challenges assumptions - I like to do things differantly.

  • I am prepared to try things even if they dont work out - During my AS filming, i tried lots of differant shots, which didn't make it into the final cut.

What features of your work would you say are original to you?

Which media texts and producers have influenced your creative decisions?

I have watched a number of short films on the internet and also looked at previous students work. This has helped me visualise my project and has influenced my creative decisions.

How succesfully does your work engage its audience and provoke their interest?

I think that last year my A2 project engaged the audience well, by using an interesting storyline and a number of differant camera angles, lighting and effects, which i think engaged the audience and provoked their interest.

Consider some of the creative choices you had to make during the course of your production. How to use cameras, lighting, dialogue, colour etc. How did you make these decisions, and how did these contribute to the final production?

During my AS project i carefully planned each individual shot, including camera angles, lighting and colour before filming. I made these decisions using my instinct of what i thought would work best for my film opening.

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